
Captain Black Chicago's Pipe, Cigar & Tobacco Store

Captain Black Chicago's Pipe, Cigar & Tobacco Store

3/4 stars because while it's king of the drugstore brands, once it leaves OTC-land, nearly every other tobacco on the market kicks its tail. Overall, Captain Black is a mild, cool smoking light aromatic. Not really my thing but not terrible. Kind of wet out of the pouch, kinda coarse cut. Half a bowl, it wasn't terrible, but wasn't awing. To be a gas station blend it is a good stand in for when you cant make it to a true tobacco store. captain black tobacco No tongue bite if u smoke little fast. Only been smoking a pipe for 2 weeks. This is my second tobacco to try . For a new smoker this is wonderful. No tongue bite, burned long and slow, great sweet flavor for me, and my wife liked smell. My palate may be under developed but if this were a a chocolate bar it would be a Hershey bar. I plow through the treacherous northern seas in search of a finer tobacco blend. But avast there be none more satisfying a smoke for me churchwarden and for me than me old ship mate Captain Black. So do yous self a favor and stock up on the Captain and make him your mate today. I have been smoking Captain Black regular for at least 35 years. If you're used to premium tobacco I wouldn't recommend this. Great Starting Tobacco, but not a keeper in my book. This was my first tobacco but after trying some of the better aromatics and trying to go back to this, i found that it isn't that great at all. I agree with the statement that every pipe smoker should try it once, or twice if it suits you. But it shouldn't be a keeper, there are so many different types of tobacco that are better than this and you should experiment with those. While I enjoy all kinds of pipe tobacco, this has been my daily go to blend. Captain Black is rich black cavendish and mellow burleys, exceptionally mild, delightfully aromatic. This aromatic tobacco delivers a smooth sweet taste with a fresh aromatic incense type of smell that most non smokers enjoy. Captain Black White is apparently the most widely known and best selling pipe tobacco.
Very smooth vanilla taste, room note and pouch scent. My daily smoke when I have it around. It isn't something you miss, but it isn't something you want to run out of. But, on the other hand, he's not complex or challenging. Captain Black is an excellent entry point to new pipe smokers for that very reason. It's also not freaking cherry flavored so you don't feel like some sort of creeper pushing it on folks. Now THIS is the taste and smell of "Pipe tobacco" as I'm thinking of it, when a old man was sitting next to you smoking his pipe. People smoked this, enjoyed, and loved this blend for decades. All pipe smokers have to try this one at least once. From the pouch the initial smell was nice but not in a natural way. I've had many compliments to the room note from nonsmokers. I've tried all the Capt. Black blends and this is still my favorite. It's cheap, available everywhere. Try it, you wont be sorry you did. Captain Black is truly an aromatic tobacco blend. The pouch aroma is top notch with its vanilla whiskey smell. The other reviewers are right about the chemical taste and it being cheap tobacco. The smell in the pouch was awesome. Wife said the room note was okay, but I've smoked better. I like the black Cavendish, vanilla and fruit undertones. Smells great within pouch, burns well, never hot and does not gurgle. It leaves a very pleasant room note. If you don't find Lane RLP-6 available.. Then you pay a bit more for this convenient pouch version with a bit more PG in it.. Tasty Virginia, burley and black cavendish mix...