
Captain Black Royal Pipe Tobacco

Captain Black Royal Pipe Tobacco

If this means I have pedestrian tastes so be it...I also prefer Fruitopia over champagne, so I guess it makes perfect sense... This blend is like sawdust compared to good tobacco. But sooner of later you will change and then perhaps move to other things. That is what happened to me, I just grew tired of the taste. Maybe it was the change of the season. captain black tobacco Jump aboard the Captain's White Ship and take a smooth and yummy voyage courtesy of Lane in the U.S.. I would recommend that anybody first starting out, should at least try it. You might find it ending up being your everyday. And yes, CBW burns well, and seldom leaves dottle if you knew how to pack it and smoke it properly. Keeping in mind in which class the CB tobaccos belong, easily accessible and inexpensive, this is a good tobacco. If your grandfather/uncle hadn't smoked it, you wouldn't exist. So although the taste is not exciting, it's been around all these years for a reason - It's just right when the mood hits you. This blend was one my grandfather frequented during my youth and I love it. Its cheap, but the room note is amazing, my girlfriend loves the smell. Captain Black White is a pretty popular aromatic here in the states. It’s easy to find, super cheap, and smells fantastic. For some people, it’s all they smoke. Some others have compared smokng Captain Black to drinking beer when all you want to do is drink a beer. Upon opening the pouch, I found that it smelled great, and it had a nice course cut look and really looked like some nice tobacco. I have found that this smokes great in a cob or a briar. I've also noticed that I have to leave it out to dry and then it will smoke all the way down 'almost'. Still smells great, still tastes good. The fond remembrance at the first light turns to boredom halfway down the bowl. No variation - I prefer a bit of complexity. The woody flavor is too strong for me, but it's nice for a bowl now and then. Tongue bite is low for such a strong flavoring, and it burns nice and cool, with low to none moisture. As I'm new to the pipe smoking hobby, I'm giving this brand/blend a go for a couple of reasons. This so-called tobacco has probably turned off and driven away more new pipe smokers than any other blend in the history of pipe smoking. On top of all this, it's not even cheap. Others who smoked it back in the day claim CBW is not the same blend from the 1970s and 1980s . I guess it's just another sign of the times- artificial, shallow, trendy, over-hyped, and flashy.
I'm worried it will permanently ruin my briars. Unlike many of the reviewers here, my pouch wasn't too moist, it left minimal residue on my fingers when I handled it. Update I took away a star because I have discovered much better aros over the last several months. Aroma gets this blend an extra star, but not two. If you want good flavor, I think 1Q is better... Mild is an understatement, but I'm not a fan of anything with a big kick so it works for me. No, but it's one of the best convenient OTC pouches you can pick up pretty much anywhere and be satisfied. It's not fancy, but gets the job done. If you are a UK smoker and want to try this blend you won't be disappointed if you manage to track this blend down.