
Captain Black Pipe

Captain Black Pipe

I never find it biting, and despite people referring to it as "goopy" it doesn't gum up my pipe and it burns well right out of the pouch. It is relatively affordable, and if you're in search of a full vanilla-ish aromatic, you'll be hard pressed to find one that is significantly better than this. There are a few that are it's equal, and a few that surpass it, but for the category I don't think it's outdone to a significant degree by many blends at all. I guess this blend is great for first-timers. It's a great way to show beginners what casings can do to tobacco, and a way to get cigarette smokers to like pipe smoking. The first bowl I had was average, and left me wishing I had some Navy Cavendish to make up for it.
You can go to any drug store that sells tobacco and hidden away under the counter is a pouch of this stuff. Captain Black becomes lit almost instantaneously without any problems. The room note can be said to be fair and similar in respects to the fragrance of burning sugar. As the smoke continues the moisture becomes progressively worse and the pipe gurgles more and more. But know there's always a tastier leaf out there. It's available just about everywhere. Once you get the hang of it you won't burn your mouth. captain black tobacco It is easy to overpack due to the moisture, and it requires a relight or two. I get a burnt marshmallow flavor and am told the room note is a pleasant vanilla. It has a fairly sweet taste with a chemical note to me, and I get the musty flavor I often get with black cavendish. The flavor is a little thin to me. I'm going to come right out and say that this is one of those tobaccos people like to make fun of or give the impression they are "better than" in some way. In addition, the percentage of nicotine content variation among all the testes light cigarettes were compared in figure 3. Rich black Cavendish and mellowed burleys, exceptionally mild, delightfully aromatic. This is a great tobacco for a relaxing evening with a pipe. A bit spicy but very good flavor. Captain Black has always been my go-to pipe tobacco. A blend that i always keep in my rotation. Not complex, easy to find, good choice for an all day smoking. Ok, I know this one has been beat to death with reviews but I think it deserves the opinion. This is the very first tobacco I have ever tried. How can anyone NOT like the room note of this most popular drugstore brand?