
Captain Black Pipe Tobacco

Captain Black Pipe Tobacco

Good Bad or Indifferent This blend is an American Classic. It should be called Captain America. After smoking all the other top shelf blends of many differnt tin and bulk type latakia, Oriental Turkish, Flake and Shag ect. It is always good to come home to a blend that has been good since I was a kid. captain black tobacco It has a great aroma and a fair taste. I taste vanilla with chemical overtones. I don't know if the chemical taste is artificial flavoring as a topping, Propylene Glycol, or both. Its moisture level is a bit high for my preferences and it will leave a wet dottle with a pungent odor at the end of your smoke. I lit it up with my single-torch without drama. You may need a couple of more re-lightings to get it going. The first puffs are dominated by the burleys' mild spiciness. I would not recommend it over custom blends, but taken as a popular commercial tobacco, it has my endorsement. Captain Black Regular was one of the first tobaccos I've ever smoked when I first started out my pipe smoking journey over ten years ago. At that time, I liked it pretty much.
The smoke is so good that I do blow slowly so that I enjoy it again. You bet, in fact, my next tobacco purchase is going to be the 12 ounce tine. I have been smoking pipe for over a year and a half and wish I could kick myself for not trying this since day one. This tobacco at times feels much older than me. It has me nostalgic for a time long before I came into this world. For some reason it always makes me think of a good cold Christmas morning where you’re just happy to have folks that you’re close to. To me it feels like a winter smoke, though I could smoke it year round no problem. It’s a good all day type of smoke and never offends my senses. My first tobacco, an old friend, consistent for the 35 years I have smoked it. Be sure to keep plenty of pipe cleaners on hand when you smoke this blend. I would rather be in the presence of a pipe smoker smoking Captain Black White than I would smoke it myself. The classic "pipe aroma" is here if that is what you seek. Towards the end of the bowl it gets a little ashy tasting. Not one that I tend to smoke all the way through, but I'm starting to like it for a quick fix. It is what it is, cheap easy to find pipe tobacco, but I agree that it's probably the best from the Captain and one of the best drugstore blends you can smoke. Its a sweet taste like marshmellows or frosting or whatever, i cant put my finger on it, all i can say for sure is that it is sweet. Since it is a cavedish based blend, not much tobaccoiness going on here. All i can taste is the sweet artificial frosting.