
Captain Black Pipe

Captain Black Pipe

However, I never seem to be without this stuff, and I've never smoked a bowl of it I didn't enjoy. Am I a victim of the corporate machine? In this case I think I'm more of a willing participant. Some people will not like it's flavour. Captain Black has been denigrated for years. But it's so popular, it's become a cultural cliché. Everyone beats up on it due to over-familiarity. There's a reason it's popular -- it's good pipe-weed. It's very affordable through P&C. I attempted to support my local smoke shop, but was stunned at the $12 an oz price tag.
There are several major problems with this. First, it is a soupy mess and it smokes wet as hell. No doubt when I tried this technique was a huge part of those problems, but the product pushes you to it. Two, there is little flavor and little nicotine and as such you're going to lean hard into. These three factors are a horrible combination for someone that's learning to smoke a pipe and should be the last blend that is first offered. As to the taste, what is there is quite sweet but it tastes of high fructose corn syrup. I intently listened to Brian Levine present his impressions of a recently dappling with Captain Black Original. First, I was very surprised that he actually smoked it. Two, the ensuing review was rather favorable to boot. CBO was one of those aromatics that I started with way back out fresh out of high school and haven’t smoke in probably 30 odd years for specific reasons mind you. captain black tobacco I left it alone for a week or two and like the others have mentioned it developed a better character and tasted much better. It's still not something I would smoke regularly but it wasn't too bad. It's pretty mild with more tobacco flavor. It's mild with a touch of sweetness and a taste of vanilla, maybe some chocolate and marshmellows over a campfire. It smokes pretty well, cool not much bite but the taste can be harsh if you push it hard. If you want a crowd pleasing aroma then this is a winner, but due to the lack of flavor I find it somewhat dissatisfying. One other note on this blend, I find it consistently turns into a soggy mess by the time I near the end, so I advise against smoking it to the bottom. I envy anyone who has made this their brand.