
Captain Black Little Cigars Filter

Captain Black Little Cigars Filter

Pouch for $5 and think that one can get higher quality tobacco for less money, but it is not a complete waste of cash. It is less goopy than I imagined it would be, though that PG quality to the tobacco is definitely there. The aromatic aspect is also surpringly subdued at the beginning of the smoke but crescendoes towards mid-bowl and quickly decrescendoes at the last quarter bowl. This aspect is creamy sweet with a slightly floral edge--perhaps like a good irish cream. I have had no problems keeping it lit or smoking it to the bottom of the bowl. It burns to an even gray ash and leaves only a little residual taste in the pipe that will be pretty much eliminated in one or two bowls of another tobacco. captain black tobacco This review is based on a collection of nearly twenty year old memories but what an impression The Captain made. For the beginning piper, I'd recommend something more like Carter Hall, a far more forgiving tobacco. The Captain tends to keelhaul them who lack superior pipe form. I would swear it has the same sauce as 1-Q. It may even be 1-Q with some va added to round it out. It's a pleasant aromatic and you can taste the cavendish and vanilla flavor -- feels cool on your tongue. Long-time cigarette smoker who decided that he wanted something more than a nic fix. I have only recently taken up serious pipe smoking. The room note somewhat a classic tolerable aro. It tasted OK to me, but the wife loved the smell. Even our neighbor came out to catch a whiff. I guess the ladies really like the smell. For some reason I can never smell the room note so I will take their word for it. Nothing strikes me particularly wonderful about this tobacco other than the memories it brings back of my grandfather.
Now, there are some really bad ones out there, but Captain Black White has earned itself a place on my list of decent tobaccos. I don't find myself buying a pouch every week, or even every month, but when I just want a good, sweet, simple smoke, this stuff is just fine. CBW was my first experience with pipe tobaccos. After smoking my fair share of other blends I believe a review is finally in order. New Pipe smoker, this is exactly the kind of flavor I was looking for in a casual tobacco experience. Got my first good pipe light with this tobacco. Additionally, despite the madness of the shipping world atm, Cigars International got this to my door exactly when I expected it. My only complaint is that it's not very rich or complex, and it gets sort of repetetive about half-way through. A sweet, lightly smoky aroma welcomes you. It was the first tobacco I smoked over 20 years ago when taking up the pipe. I still keep it around in bulk and break it out to reset my taste buds. Yes watch out for the heat and bite if you are used to better tobaccos especially if you are used to English blends as the fine ribbon cut Cavendish? S laden with topper will burn hot and wet. Captain Black White and Blue tobaccos are really the best OTC buy you can get . The taste lightly reminds me of toasted marshmallows and has a nutty undercurrent. It's not cloying and the vanilla shines on the smooth retrohale. It's not a nuanced tobacco but it's very much acceptable.