
Captain Black Little Cigars Filter

Captain Black Little Cigars Filter

It is pretty mild and has a smokey latakia taste. So I ordered some blending latakia and mixed up a blend of 2/3 Captain Black white label and 1/3 latakia. I have to say this blend has my name on it. It is a mild, inexpensive blend that I ALWAYS enjoy. I get the nice campfire aroma from the latakia in a very mild smoke with a room note that is great. Highly recommendl, especially for beginners. The first time I started pipe smoking in 2009 or so, Captain Black Original was my first blend I went to as that was what my granddad smoked when I was a kid. My fresh supply of BCA is still a few days away, and I was whiling away a bit of time in a local convenience store, and noticed that they had a few tobaccos on hand. Having never tried CBW, I succumed to the experimentation genie, and bought a pouch. I'm a newbie to pipe smoking so my review is meant for those at my stage of smoking. This was the second brand of tobac I tried and found it to my liking. I get a lot of compliments on the room note. I read that Captain Black was good "beginners" tobacco, so I picked up a pouch at CVS. Upon smelling the tobacco, it kicks you in the face with a white chocolate frosting smell.
S tobacco or else as a nice, now and then change of pace, especially if in the need to please one? I have smoked Captain Black White on and off for many years now, at the same time enjoying the very similar Lane Ltd. RPL-6 and BCA bulk products, but when it comes to availability CBW can’t be beat, it can be found where ever tobacco of any type is sold, so when out and about its CBW. A simple fuss free lite aromatic that is both mild and bite free. It can get harsh and bitey if you puff fast, so a slow cadence is recommended. Leaves too much moisture in the bowl, and slow puffing will reduce the chance of goop. It smells great and back in the days of smoking in public, you could get a date smoking this brand because women love it.