
Lane Limited Captain Black Original Regular

Lane Limited Captain Black Original Regular

Hence, it's no surprise to me that this is very much a mass-market smoke. I think every almost every new pipe smoker starts smoking or into their intermediate days they try CB blend. Easily available and relatively cheaper. I also bought a pouch of cb 3 blends smoked a bowl of white before I get any taste or flavor I was half way and then it was taste less. I still have it and smoke just the heck of it. When I first stared smoking I tried a few store brands and 1-Q, at that time, this was one of my favorites. Apart from that nothing really special going on in this one...Its a tobacco for the bystanders to enjoy but not for the smoker himself... Captain Black White is the second of the Captain Black line that I've tried (Royal was my first-- please refer to review). This is THE most ubiquitous pipe tobacco available in my area. In a few cases, it is the only pipe tobacco the store sells. I had to break down and try a pouch. Smells great in the pouch, but nothing more.
In addition, the heel of the bowl always seem to leave a sticky goo in my pipe that didn't smell or taste good . But not bad for a "cheap" tobacco. Opening the pouch, what I smelled was the spicy vanilla. The flavor I tasted was lite vanilla. I knew this brand even before I smoked, and had to try it. S tobacco or else as a nice, now and then change of pace, especially if in the need to please one? I have smoked Captain Black White on and off for many years now, at the same time enjoying the very similar Lane Ltd. RPL-6 and BCA bulk products, but when it comes to availability CBW can’t be beat, it can be found where ever tobacco of any type is sold, so when out and about its CBW. A simple fuss free lite aromatic that is both mild and bite free. If this means I have pedestrian tastes so be it...I also prefer Fruitopia over champagne, so I guess it makes perfect sense... This blend is like sawdust compared to good tobacco. But sooner of later you will change and then perhaps move to other things. That is what happened to me, I just grew tired of the taste. Maybe it was the change of the season. captain black tobacco It travels well and smokes quick. I am still working on a pouch I bought almost a year ago, and it keeps getting better with age. This is definitely a working man's tobacco with almost no bite to speak of. Upon opening the pouch, I found that it smelled great, and it had a nice course cut look and really looked like some nice tobacco. I have found that this smokes great in a cob or a briar. I've also noticed that I have to leave it out to dry and then it will smoke all the way down 'almost'. It should be interesting to see what the other blends in this range are like. I thought I might get bored of this blend but I'm halfway through the pack and still returning for a bowlful. I guess the word quintessential should be brought up, because any adult who has memories of a wonderful smelling pipe from their childhood probably remembers this one. Another Lane blend that has been tweaked for the worst. This blend hasn't been good since the late 1970s or early 80s.