
Captain Black Pipe Tobacco Pouches & Cans

Captain Black Pipe Tobacco Pouches & Cans

Trying probably multiple dozens of "have to haves". My take away was 90% of them were horse pizz, trying to mimic an old timey standbye, but with a hint of citrus. If you didn't pull up a chrome stool, and savor every warm froth bubble of said horse pizz, then clearly you were a uncouth heathen. I've found on this site, not surprisingly, many of the reviewers I've read, have a glass of fresh squeezed horse pizz in their hands as they type. But it's one of the most popular blends for a reason. I am not an aficionado so not much knowledge. I’ve tried several tobacco’s but Captain Black Original is by far my favorite and go to. Not much tongue bite, or I’m used to it. After more than 20 yrs., picking up smoking pipes again, still come back to this. A little over six years after the opening of that first retail outlet, Smoker’s Outlet Online was born. This is the stickiest of all the CB. An overwhelming pouch aroma the strongest of the CB. That famous killer room note and also somewhat harsh on the gums. Burns relatively well fore such a wet feel. Decent smoke but not heavy or very thick. I think of all the CB this is the most common and if only drug store brands are available and the Royal is not stocked then this is an acceptable alternative. captain black tobacco Even if you close the pouch the spirit of the Captain fills whatever room you're in. Next, a nice rich cavendish sprinkled throughout with brighter burley got me intrigued. So according to the reviews that's where this love affair ends. I loaded a nice little hang jaw kaywoodie #16 and lit er up. I was tickled at the flavor and how easy it smoked.
Very gentle smoke, was good for what I paid for it. It's much more satisfactory for a drug-store blend than any other I've tried. It's very straight forward, non-complicated and simple--but in a good way. Everyone around me commented how great it smelled, and, maybe more importantly, no one commented on how much they thought it stunk. I like this blend to smoke around the non smoking public. I'm worried it will permanently ruin my briars. Unlike many of the reviewers here, my pouch wasn't too moist, it left minimal residue on my fingers when I handled it. Update I took away a star because I have discovered much better aros over the last several months. Aroma gets this blend an extra star, but not two. If you want good flavor, I think 1Q is better... Mild is an understatement, but I'm not a fan of anything with a big kick so it works for me. Today, I found it, and decided to give it a try. I did what countless have said to do, and countless others advise against. I came back/began smoking with a pouch of Capt. Black. It is important to keep in mind perspective and context any text without context is a con. Captain Black, was the pipe tobacco smoked by real men. Like our Fathers and Grandfathers and salty Uncles. Men who chopped cords of wood all day, took our Scout Troop camping or canoeing, taught us how to hunt, tie knots, build fires, in a phrase... They weren't Lords or Dukes from England wearing panty hose and ruffled shirts and powdered wigs. I won't knock it since it sesms to have a strong following. It's a mild, everyday consitant smoke. Smokes ok, very nice room note and you can find it anywhere. It's not bad, but not something to rant and rave about. I notice it leaves a taste in the pipe, but I honnestly didn't find it too goopy or messy.