
Buy Captain Black Tobacco 1 5-oz Original Online

Buy Captain Black Tobacco 1 5-oz Original Online

Hardly any real tobacco flavor and thus true substance can be detected over the overbearing candy taste of the applied casing. A somewhat horrid aftertaste completes the experience. Little bite is given off by this blend and the tobacco does yield a decent amount of white aromatic smoke.
It's a pleasant aromatic and you can taste the cavendish and vanilla flavor -- feels cool on your tongue. Long-time cigarette smoker who decided that he wanted something more than a nic fix. I have only recently taken up serious pipe smoking. New Pipe smoker, this is exactly the kind of flavor I was looking for in a casual tobacco experience. Got my first good pipe light with this tobacco. Additionally, despite the madness of the shipping world atm, Cigars International got this to my door exactly when I expected it. My only complaint is that it's not very rich or complex, and it gets sort of repetetive about half-way through. captain black tobacco I've tried them all and the only one that delivers is Cap't Black original. None of the other brands that advertise vanilla are even close ! I once tried Sutliff "vanilla royale " which boasted 14 different types of vanilla . It might have been ok if they had actually put some them in the tobacco ! Instead I got a bowl of tasteless fire . Now, there are some really bad ones out there, but Captain Black White has earned itself a place on my list of decent tobaccos. I don't find myself buying a pouch every week, or even every month, but when I just want a good, sweet, simple smoke, this stuff is just fine. CBW was my first experience with pipe tobaccos. After smoking my fair share of other blends I believe a review is finally in order.