
Captain Black Tobacco, Pipe Tobacco

Captain Black Tobacco, Pipe Tobacco

Today I happened to be in the CR Butt Tobacco dispensary picking up some of my favorite cheapos for next week’s travels. As you would have it, one of the Captain’s wild hairs took hold of me; what the heck you know. Dropping the pouch of CBO on the checkout counter along with my usual treasures, I had to ask the cashier to redouble on the price call-out thinking a mis-heard her. Yes, I heard correctly the first time … $8.49 for the pouch. This stuff used to cost me a couple of bucks at most. I first tried CB Blue a few years back, was not that impressed but wanted to give a different variation a shot. This is a very nice smelling blend and the aroma is great while burning . It burns cool but only produces a light to moderate amount of smoke and I found it difficult to stay lit. Original Capt. Black is still my go-to tobacco though, and haven't really found any private blends that are as good to me. I have smoked Captain Black Regular for many years and tried other brands and never found one that was equal to Captain Black. Mild tobacco with good aroma, been smoking it for many years. Some people are acting like they were expecting an 18 year old Macallan, but got Johnny Walker Red instead. The trick with this tobacco is to accept it for what it is. Coarse cut, easily to pack and smoke, couple of relights, can be an all-day smoke.
Its an artificial blend which should only be used once in a while, to satisfy your wife, but definetely not your palate. The wife says it smells like cake. The taste is very smooth, not a bite in the bowl. I have enjoyed this often on since at least 1978. The vanilla flavor was subtle, and overall left a tolerable post room note. Captain Black has a great tin note and a very pleasant room note. I find that it will easily bite though if you don't watch your smoking cadence. I had never tried this well-known tobacco, and was prepared to be disappointed after Captain Black Gold . Instead, I was very pleasantly surprised; for a high-profile brand-name tobacco, this is very good. A blend of Cavendish including black C., it might be too sweet and sticky for some, but I liked it. captain black tobacco If anything Captain Black is just a care free and fun smoke. Anyone willing to give it the time of the day can enjoy. On a side note, I would have to say it comes in a very attractive looking pouch/tin. The smell of the tobacco is very pleasant, in fact I like to keep a empty pouch next to my computer I like it so much. This is one of the first tobacco's I've tried. God bless all you pipe smokers, take care of yourselves and have a good day!!! I recommend this tobacco highly for everyday use however I don't claim it to be the best on the Shelf in the smoke shop. However it is the best on the Shelf in the drugstore, where it was supposed to be bought and purchased by the everyday Common Man.