
Captain Black Pipe Tobacco

Captain Black Pipe Tobacco

If you are new or only smoke Straight Virginias...stay away. I enjoy English blends and I think guys who do also and know how to sip their tobaccos could enjoy this as a sweet change of pace. Everyone says that Capt Black white is a great tobacco for new pipe smokers. I AM a new pipe smoker , and I DO like Capt Black White. I like that it lights easily, packs in my pipe well, stays lit once I get it going, smells great, and does NOT bite. My only complaints, is that it was extremely harsh on my tongue, and I had at the time a long-stemmed pipe. Some of that bite is was in part to my inexperience, but to say that Captain Black is forgiving to the burgeoning pipe smoker would be a mistruth. The smell of the smoke, however, was phenomenal. I was complimented all night on the scent, and actually was introduced to a few people simply because of how intoxicating it was. captain black tobacco I have never made a habit of smoking any of the high-priced brands or blends. Never made sense to me, because the so-called 'drug store' brands always worked just fine. I don't think I've missed anything, really. It's a ribbon blend with some chunky cav in it. Smells strongly of vanilla and honey. A lot like marshmallows so far as room note. It packs and lights very easily and tastes similar to it's smell for the first half. Royal and Original are a 'dream' to smoke... Cigars International does not sell products to anyone under the age of 21. If you do not meet the minimum age requirement, please do not enter our site. Overall not a bad blend, though maybe not the best beginner one (it's too harsh and doesn't stay lit very well). Exceptionally mild and delightfully aromatic. Gold - Matured Golden Cavendish tobaccos are used and reflected in the bright gold color. Exceptionally mild, more flavorful and delightfully aromatic. A balanced body with a mellow taste. Originally founded in Dresden, Germany in 1890, Lane specialized in high quality pipe and roll-your-own cigarette tobaccos. Herman G. Lane, one of the founder's grandsons, emigrated to the United States in 1938 and re-established the company in Manhattan. There's just little taste to it, IMO. It wasn't objectionable, just bland, with almost zero tobacco taste. Mixing iwth a bit of Russ' Old Glory improved it somewhat, but took most of the punch out of ROG. Next was a 50/50 mix with Lane 1Q, which improved it a bit...enough for me to even keep around for some further mixing attempts. However, if CBW appeals to you, I'd say go for BCA, for a much richer vanilla taste, and at less cost, frankly.
Tasted like i was smoking a vanilla flavored used urinal cake. I do smoke OTC tobacco's but I will stick with my Carter Hall ,SWR,5 Brothers and Granger . I would rate it a 0 star but sadly its not a option. Too artificial flavors but it doesn't make a bad tobacco, if you're a beginner or into aromatics it's a good option. Despite all the chemicals it does not bite you at all. Being curious, I open my old pouch of Captain Black to see how badly it had dried out over the last decade. It's all about whatever syrup they dump on it. It is similar to Lane 1-Q, but Captain Black has more burley and a stronger topping. Mac Baren 7 Seas Regular has similar tobacco components, but is more driven by the cocoa topping. I would not say it is bad, but I will probably never buy it again. Drying it out awhile doesn't seem to help much. I'm told that I-Q is the bulk version of this, but the I-Q I've had is not much like this (perhaps it's actually the bulk version of Royal). Upon lighting, you get pretty good flavor, close to the way it smells. It's a challenge to keep lit, and will bite if drawn on too hard or often. Decent smoke volume, great room note, but not a ton of "smoking satisfaction" for the experience pipe smoker-- nicotine level seems almost non-existent. Smooth, sweet and oh so easy to keep lit.