
Captain Black Pipe Tobacco Pouches & Cans

Captain Black Pipe Tobacco Pouches & Cans

Has a tendency to smoke a bit hot, and bite some, but that could just be my inexperience as a pipe smoker. Either way, a good vanilla aromatic as far as I'm concerned. I don't believe it is a terrible, or even a bad tobacco. If it tasted like burning tires, nobody would buy it, no matter how gullible they might be. With the passage of years I find non-aromatics more interesting and satisfying. No, this isn't very complex at all, but the beauty of this tobacco is the consistent quality of simple flavor, pouch after pouch, can after can. No matter where I get it from or when I open it, I know what I'm gonna get...a simple, honest, good-quality, old-fashioned smoke. It's a necessity in mixed company, and in my two decades of pipe-smoking, I've never had one complaint from CBW. It's by all means what every new pipe smoker passes trow.
I mean, you dont know what tongue bite is til you've puffed on this. And it will make your pipe gurgle with moisture and goop. That said, it smokes cool and I find it smokes relatively dry. It has a pleasant taste to it, and it has an insanely pleasant room note. The umame is light but definitely not strong. Retrohale brings a mildly aromatic bouquet that is neither overbearing nor irritating. For many a year I smoked this, having been seduced by the room note. Well i tried it ONCE and i would rather eat broken glass than try it again. I could not finish a whole bowl of it. If hot, goopy, chemical mess is your idea of good tobacco then this is for you . captain black tobacco It's been smoked for years by many who love it. It's a timeless classic, and not bad for a smoker on a tight budget or even a starter tobacco. For those of you who have just come into the art of pipe smoking, this is a good blend to start with.