
Captain Black Pipe Tobacco

Captain Black Pipe Tobacco

I have found that Capatain Black White is one of my most favorite brands in the "drug store" market. I recommend it for the price and for its avalability along with its great taste. My first tobacco ever was borkum riff. And it was so bad, that I almost threw away my pipe along with it. But I decided to give pipe smoking another chance with captain black white, and that was when I fell in love with pipe smoking. When the moisture is off though, there is definite taste of synthetic or fake flavorings. Does tend to bite a little bit if you're a heavy puffer, which I am. I believe everyone should at least try Captain Black original, because when it's right, its right. Because of the high cost and Russian roulette of moisture, it only gets 3 stars from me. I started smoking pipes in 1990 and captain black was one of the 1st tobacco's I had tried along with borkum riff.. captain black tobacco This original tastes good and no tongue bite. Flavor is honey and vanilla, easy to light. First tobacco that I've enjoyed, while relaxing at the smoke decks on the carriers I've served on. I'm looking forward to buying the 7 oz. Thank you P and C, for keeping this in stock. This is an excellent tobacco for the pipe smoker as well as the beginner as it does present itself as a very cool, and non-biting of the tongue.
I also enjoyed that nice room note filling my garage as a I read the new Pipes and Cigars catalog I just got through the mail. I was surprisingly tickled and genuinely surprised. Yes, a small amount but not as bad as people let on. The flavor profile is actually quite nice with a taste of sweetness. The only knock I have is it's very mild, I wish I could have bit more bottom to it. There is no tongue bite even when you push it. Two stars to a venerated if imperfect old classic. To me this is much like Old Spice is to cologne. A old favorite in a white container with a ship on it that regardless of the more fancy stuff I buy to replace it, I always go back to it. Both were my introduction to their respective products. Old Spice being my first cologne and aftershave while Captain Black White being my first ever pipe tobacco.