
Nicotine Content of Domestic Cigarettes, Imported Cigarettes and Pipe Tobacco in Iran PMC

Nicotine Content of Domestic Cigarettes, Imported Cigarettes and Pipe Tobacco in Iran PMC

Captain Black is a great smoking tobacco and I never get complaints about the odor. Today we set sail on an incredible, smokeable, combination of blended tobacco goodness, all wrapped up in a neat little can called Captain Black. On the bridge of me ship, behind the helm sailing the sevens seas puffing from my churchwarden in glorious rapture of aromatic smoke that fills the bridge. Being a research scientist, I systematically tried about 15 different types of tobaccos/blends. Ten were Cornell & Diehl blends, one was a HOW Revelation match by Altadis, one was Frog Morton On the Bayou, and the others were drugstore brands. I kept written notes on my reaction to them all. Overall, they were stronger than I like. Some were MUCH stronger than I like.
The Captain packs quite nicely, lights without a fuss, and then ALWAYS burns down to the quick producing a fine white ash. It's also extremely easy to find, is faily priced, has absolutely NO tongue bite, and comes in a rather air-tight canister that makes for a consistent smoke. They say the Captain Black we get here in Europe is not a faithful representation of the American original and I hope for all you guys stateside that's true! I smoked my sample in a corncob pipe to get that authentic all-American experience. What can i say, this is a real bowl of happiness for me, i love this stuff and smoke it all day. The room note is terrific, the taste is velvet smooth and quite sweet. The perfect smoke all the time.If Lane LTD ever discontiues this like so many other of my favourites, i think id put down the pipe for good. Of all the brands sold at the drug store, Captain Black seems to be the best smoke I've tried. I prefer Cult aromatic blends when I want to taste both the tobacco and a pleasant chocolate/vanilla topping. captain black tobacco T have much of a taste, but I fully appreciate that it doesn? Instead of trying to wash away a bad taste, I find myself fully enjoying drinking the Dr. Pepper that I have. T even feel the need to spit as I sometimes do with other blends. I have been smoking for a little over a year now and in that time I have tried many different tobaccos. One night I was going fishing and decided to stop and buy some after reading some good reviews on here. In my student days, I smoked a lot of Captain Black. For a "drugstore" tobacco, it has a lot going for it. It tastes good, if you like vanilla, it won't bite, and it burns fairly dry and clean for an aromatic. If I was stranded somewhere and couldn't find anything else, I wouldn't hesitate to smoke this now. I have a pipesmoking friend who smokes CBW constantly and I have to say women like the aroma--always a big plus.