
Captain Black Tobacco Pipe Tobacco Brands

Captain Black Tobacco Pipe Tobacco Brands

It comes a little moist and takes an eternity to dry out any. It is mostly black in appearance and has a strong vanilla note in the pouch. But, reading the reviews on here, a lot of people are "better than us." Snobs, spoiled, privileged, or at least want others to think so. Some reviewers make this out to be some horrific blend but it really isn't. I mean, if you want a really horrific blend, just grab a pouch of Borkum Riff Whiskey. captain black tobacco Perfect to smoke in my cheapest corn cobs to my most expensive Meerschaums. I actually use this to break in all my expensive pipes as it never builds up a lingering flavor or aftertaste and grows a nice even cake. The room odor is classic pipe and the odor that entices one to take up pipe smoking over cigars or nasty cigarettes. Very easy to locate and if bought in the can instead of the pouch, also one great bargain. Consistently good, rich, aromatic and pleasing to the palate time and time again. The first bowl of this left me undecided.
It's available everywhere, so that's a plus. It is sweet but not a goopy, sticky mess. It's a nice mix of Black Cavendish, Burley and Virginia. I thought the flavor had kind of a vanilla/liquor taste to it. Not overpowering and has a good aroma. The only reason I am giving the Captain Black 4 stars is because they reduced the size and are charging the same or more. Made a combination that, I am going to stick with Captain Black Regular. I have good feeling about the blend, I appreciate work on detailing, this is a great flavor. The tobacco is very good, but the lighter is a piece of junk! It won't light by itself and if I hold the button down and light it with another lighter, the flame comes out on my thumb. After that, I couldn't stand having a full bowl the second time, and had to quit half way through. Since then, I left it in a corner as a potpourri that actually gives off a great vanilla scent to the room, but never had it again. Seriously, the vanilla is overpowering. Besides that, after those two bowl, when I got a good Virginia in it, my briar was already tainted with the vanilla! I also enjoy it from time to time just for a change. I have smoked this for nearly 20 years and like to keep a little around. I believe it gets somewhat of a bad reputation from the higher end smokers that it doesn't deserve. By far, my favorite of the Captain Black blends. To like this a person must have no taste buds left and a tongue of leather. Was better about 40 years ago, now its goop and chemicals ! Fouls up a pipe badly, and gets boring real fast. Its a shame because it used to be better. If I was looking for a pouch of something to tide me over at the drugstore, I'd go to Carter Hall first. My wife, my kids, my mom, my mother in law. Surprisingly well behaved and bite free for an aromatic. Nicotine level is mild, as expected...on par with its peers. The vanilla topping is at the forefront off the blend. Next, I find the burley slightly nutty with some hints of coco, though this might be part of other ingredients in the topping.